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Friday 2021-02-26's Scene Will Be Late



Hello again 👋

Just when we thought we'd be able to sneak this week's update in just before our Midnight deadline...

Johnny Robbins (our video guy) started uploading everything around 8PM. About an hour into it, his internet connection shit the bed 🤬 He was able to upload everything BUT the scene itself, which got “stuck” (technical term) about half-way thru 🤦‍♂️ After spending about an hour or so on the phone with his ISP's tech support, they're sending a technician out between 5-7PM. He's still trying to upload it and with a little luck, it'll be done by morning and we can then process it and have it ready for all of you wonderfully patient people by Noon 🤞

The scene will feature the See H🕴️M Fuck debuts of Jak Palmer and Layla Belle.

If you want to know the minute the scene goes live, make sure to follow us on the Twitter 👍

This is becoming an embarrassment and we truly do thank all of you for your understanding!
See H🕴️M Support

PS ~ Stay Safe! 😷

Click HERE To See HIM Fuck!